Social Networks Should be Social

Loop by Cuemill
3 min readSep 15, 2023


The landscape of social media has evolved dramatically over the past few decades, from the humble beginnings of platforms like Friendster and MySpace to the global giants of today, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. However, these platforms are becoming a lot less social and more corporatized over time as their feeds are full of ads and sponsored content. The next-gen users are seeking a new set of criteria to define their digital experiences and bring back the true meaning of a social platform.

Social Network Illustration


Authenticity has become a buzzword in the digital age as users are increasingly looking for social media platforms that encourage genuine connections and transparent communication. Under the pressure of being perfect on social media, next-gen users are leaving the era of curated and highly filtered content behind and demanding more real experiences, from both their close ties and influencers.

Platforms will need to encourage meaningful conversations over vanity metrics while preventing misinformation and fake profiles.


Community has been at the core of social networks since its inception, and it remains a crucial criterion for the next generation. Users want to feel a sense of belonging and connection, especially through specialized communities for those with specific interests. Many people have started seeking community-oriented sites and apps devoted to specific hobbies and issues for richer interactions and more relevant content, instead of mindless scrolling through universal feeds.

The winning platforms of the future will facilitate the creation and growth of smaller yet engaging communities for different demographics.


As creators and users are looking for opportunities to earn from their content and data, they will demand more fairness and transparency. Monetization is one of the win-win strategies to grow and retain the customer base as both the network and its creators benefit from the revenue earned from user-generated content. However, advertising as the key revenue stream is criticized for its increasingly exploitative and harmful effects as these platforms are trying to capture as much of users’ time and attention as possible while users themselves are falling for engagement and popularity.

The next-gen social networks will need to diversify their revenue streams and provide users with a fair share of the money generated from their contributions.

Personalization & Privacy

Many Internet companies have collected a huge amount of personal data from their users and use this data to offer personalized content. Some users see such content as more relevant and compelling, but they also may see it as ‘not only creepy, but off-putting’ if they feel that the firm has violated their privacy. Besides, tailored feeds might also mean limiting the diversity of information and reinforcing pre-conceptions while supporting screen addiction.

It should be the user’s choice whether to opt in for a customized experience and to what extent they are willing to compromise in exchange for personalization or relevance. Platforms should give users enough control over their own data and respect users’ preferences.

Social media platforms will need to meet the evolving needs of their users and also pave the way for a more inclusive, responsible, and enjoyable digital landscape. The future of social media lies in creating spaces where users can connect, create, and communicate in ways that are meaningful and secure.

