Adult Friendship is…Hard

Loop by Cuemill
3 min readAug 17, 2023


In an era of unparalleled connectivity, it might seem counterintuitive that forming and maintaining adult friendships has become a daunting task. The truth is, the landscape of modern society has evolved significantly, presenting a unique set of challenges that make fostering meaningful connections more complex than ever before.

Friendship Illustration

Time Crunch

The relentless pace of modern life is perhaps the foremost challenge that inhibits the cultivation of adult friendships. The demands of careers, family responsibilities, and self-care, together with the abundance of technology, often leave individuals with little time to spare. Long gone are the carefree days of school when making friends was as simple as sharing a desk. Today, making plans involves intricate scheduling, and carving out quality time for friends can feel like an uphill battle.

Geographical Dispersal

Globalization and career opportunities have led people to spread across the world. The result? Friendships that were once nurtured by proximity are now subjected to distance. Moving for jobs, education, or relationships often leaves adults separated from their lifelong pals, making in-person meetups a rare luxury.

Superficiality of Virtual Interactions

The digital age has brought an array of virtual interactions, but it’s a double-edged sword for friendships. While technology has enabled us to stay in touch with friends from different corners of the world, the ease of communication can sometimes lead to shallowness. Likes, comments, and emojis have replaced heartfelt conversations, making it harder to establish deeper emotional connections. At the same time, social media has blurred the lines between friends, acquaintances, and followers. Virtual interactions often take precedence over in-person activity, leading to a redefinition of what it means to be a friend. This changing landscape can create confusion and misunderstandings about the depth and nature of relationships.

Life Stages and Priorities

Adult life is marked by diverse life stages and priorities. While some are focusing on building their careers, others are navigating parenthood or seeking personal growth. These varying life trajectories can create mismatches in terms of time availability, interests, and shared experiences, further complicating the process of finding like-minded friends.



Contextual friendship can be the answer, with the help of technology. Loop as a phygital platform will tap into the proximity and location technology to connect individuals with similar interests in their vicinity. By focusing on shared passions and geographic proximity, we can combat distance and time constraints, offering opportunities for meaningful in-person connections. Our approach holds the potential to revive the authenticity that modern friendships often lack, paving the way for deeper, more genuine bonds amidst life’s complexities.

The challenges of adult friendship in today’s world are myriad and complex. While technology has made it easier to connect, it has also diluted the quality of our interactions. With countless social events, networking platforms, and apps, individuals might have more acquaintances than ever before, urging people to sift through superficial connections to find those worth investing in. After all, amidst the chaos of life, meaningful friendships remain an invaluable source of joy, support, and belonging.

